Friday, November 16, 2012

Ps. 81:10 & 2 Kgs. 4:11-17 Have a Very Large Expectation In regards to the Israelites When God brought them out of Egypt: he said open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it. He's not talking about physical food; if they would open their mouth he will not bring them to a low point of expectation. Take the Shunammite woman she didn't open her mouth and convey her wants to God. Elisha the prophet filled her mouth through the prophecy and revelation given to him by God. He influenced her through the absence of her words; he spoke the words that she could not utter yet, she didn't know the depths of his anointing. When we are stuck between a rock and a hard place we are to open our mouth wide and call on the name of Jesus. Having the same spirit as God according to our faith we should be able to speak things into existence. Calling those things which be not as though they were. Wait. relax, and watch God perform.

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