Thursday, January 10, 2013

Things you Must do to Push Forward

Exodus 14:15-16 God instructed Moses on what to do in order for the children of Israel to walk on dry land and Moses was obedient. We as believers must be like-wise.  We must forgive one another, don't carry your ills around with you. Find a way to let go of the past and be fruitful in 2013.  Let go of past wounds, heartaches, family dramas, and disappointments. We have to forgive in order for God to forgive us; put on the "new man" and walk in the spirit of love, kindness, humbleness of mind and live peaceably with all men.  Only God can repay a person for the evil things that they have done.  Don't seek revenge! He that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons (Colossians 3:25).

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