Thursday, October 6, 2011

Believe for the Incredible!!!!

John 20:27 states, “Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing.”

Believability is at the heart of trusting in God for the miraculous. What is impossible to man is possible to God. Believe God even when things seem incredible or incredulous, but remember God can do anything.

Let’s analyze the meaning of the words “incredible” and “incredulous.” Incredible means “unbelievable” or “not convincing” and can be applied to a situation, a statement, a policy, or a threat to a person. Incredulous means “disinclined to believe, skeptical.” It is the opposite of credulous, which means that one is gullible, willing to believe or trust without adequate evidence, and is usually applied to a person’s attitude.

However, Jesus told Thomas to reach his finger and punch into the places where He was punctured, but even when he did it, he was to apply faith, believing, because it was still possible to doubt that it was Him. The thought of how incredulous it was for Him to rise from the dead could have caused Thomas to doubt, even as he reached his hand into Jesus’ side, because
he had seen him die on the cross.

What you see as real can also have that kind of effect on you, so stretch out your faith and believe in the incredible God we serve, for he is believable and able to do anything.

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