Thursday, October 27, 2011

Don't mortgage your faith!

Hebrew 10:35 Cast not away therefor your confidence, which hath
great recompense of reward.

A close study of this would show that the subject of this verse is
confidence and what to not do to with it, because it is valuable.
What if you don't think you have any confidence some may say?
Now I will beg to differ with you on that. The reason is that all
of us have some level of confidence whether we classify it as a
lot or a very small amount. Try to imagine it in quantity.
Regardless of the size don't throw away what you have but value
it for it will pay you back one day. Especially when it is in God.
No matter what your problem is right now reach for confidence in
him and he will help you to the very end.
Don't mortgage your faith but say "it is not for sale."

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